Breezy “Tax more but go easy”

Natasha Riebe CBC Reporter/Editor emailed me yesterday Hi Brian,  I’m writing a story on mayoral candidates’ perspectives on municipal property tax.  What is your stance on this?  Thanks,  Natasha Riebe Reporter/Editor I responded. This is what they printed — Only one candidate suggests outright that taxes should go up: Brian (Breezy) Gregg believes the city should invest …

I want to be Edmonton’s first Rock and Roll Mayor

It is not without sarcasm I have to say, I am overwhelmed by the opportunities I am being given by news outlets. CBC TV graciously offered me the opportunity for me to give them a one minute statement. I was video recorded live in one minute with one take. Not only that The Edmonton Journal …

Breezy’s response to Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Candidate Survey

Voters probably should know who is asking me what and why, and what my answers are. Therefore I am making the survey questions and my answers available here. For some context as to how we came to have a Chamber in Edmonton that is very politically active please check the following link.,_1971 Survey Response …

Breezy’s Newsletter 7-17-2021

Climate Emergency Response — Breezy For Mayor of Edmonton — Newsletter July 17, 2021 Dear Friends, Volunteers, and Supporters So many thanks to so many who support this Quest. Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletters and for talking with others about Edmonton’s politics. I would love if you would email us maybe …