Voter Incentive Program – VIP

Voter turnout in our last civic election was 32%. Breezy hopes to get a good percentage of those 32% to vote Breezy For Mayor. Most of all though he wants to get the 68% who did not vote to come out on October 18th and vote Breezy For Mayor. In the short video below Breezy talks about how we can get 99% turnout at the polls.

About The Voter Incentive Program

Especially for young people and for poor people it is not easy to see that there is any point in voting. There is though. Getting engaged to find out who to vote for and then voting brings:

  • more fun in your life
  • more money in your pocket in the future
  • more fairness in your world

Breezy’s response to Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Candidate Survey

Voters probably should know who is asking me what and why, and what my answers are. Therefore I am making the survey questions and my answers available here.

For some context as to how we came to have a Chamber in Edmonton that is very politically active please check the following link.,_1971

Survey Response

Dear Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Policy Team

Thank you for the questions. Here are my short answers — 

What are your top priorities for Edmonton’s council?

Getting the big money out of politics is my top priority. I want to build a caring economy with love and respect for everyone and our planet. For more please check our platform —

I want to encourage City Council to neither hamper nor pamper business. In my business experience I have found that business people are sure to take care of themselves even to the extent of lobbying government to pamper them. Our City has been home to many great business people. 

What are your ideas to support vibrancy downtown following the pandemic?

We need to invest in public luxuries. More parks more free gathering spaces for non-commercial public events. Free fun is the future of a vibrant downtown. 

What solutions do you propose to address housing, homelessness and addictions?

Lets start with addictions. We need to elect a federal government that will decriminalize drugs and provide clinics to support addicts with a safe supply and counselling. I recommend that we elect the first NDP Federal Government. Jagmeet Singh is the only leader who will do that. 

Blaming bloated management and privatizing away good jobs are mean picky attempts to find a solution. The revenue problem again is stemming from bad tax policy at the Federal and Provincial level. For over 40 years Conservative and Liberal Governments have lowered taxes on the rich. They have cut services to the bone not leaving any room to deal with emergencies. The wealth gap has mushroomed to a point that is ridiculous.  I have to speak up about the importance of electing better governments that are not going to be bullied by the constant lobbying from those who want to pay less tax but should be paying more.

We need to build affordable and low income housing in every neighbourhood to balance the city. We need to have a housing first program as the foundation for a social safety net that as studies show, will save us huge cost in the long run.

What action will you take to improve red tape and permitting delays at city hall?

The Mayor cannot just take action. Council together does. What is the rush? How many projects reduce our carbon footprint? 

Red tape is not the problem. Too many applications from too many developers trying to capitalize on opportunities made available by sweetheart tax responsibilities.  At the same time the lack of revenue from low taxes does not allow the city to hire more staff to deal with the overload. I don’t think we can have it both ways. Low taxes equals low service. High taxes equals high service. Nothing is perfect. There will always be some waste. It becomes a waste in itself to focus too much energy on eliminating all waste. 

For too long in Alberta, booms have been induced by promoting low taxes and cheap labour. Promoting high wages and high taxes will enable steady sustainable growth. 

What is your plan to support an inclusive economic recovery?

We do not need a recovery. We need a renewal. We have been living in a mean and cruel economy as I said, that is based on cheap labour and low taxes. If a business cannot profit without cheap labour and low taxes perhaps they should find a new enterprise. 

Long range I want to see the city move to the 15 minute neighbourhood where every community has a community hub that has free services for those in need. Not a few big centres but a hub in every community providing a few emergency shelter beds that are never full and where people are transitioned out in a matter of days to more permanent shelter, a 24/7 medical clinic, a 24/7 soup kitchen a 24/7 library school with computer terminals. Again this requires better Federal and Provincial governments that understand the need to tax more fairly to generate the revenue for these services that, when invested in, will pay back hugely in the long run. 

Given the large difference between non-residential tax rates in the City of Edmonton and surrounding municipalities, what will you do you ensure the City of Edmonton is a competitive place for business?

This is a matter that needs either a dictate from the provincial government to equalize tax rates across regions or for regions to cooperate to do so. Competing in a tax race to the bottom is so short sighted and serves only to drive down revenues and services for all. 

How can voters learn more about you and your vision for the city? (Please limit this answer to links to your webpage and social media.)

Vote Breezy For Mayor October 18, 2021

Breezy’s Newsletter 7-17-2021

Climate Emergency Response — Breezy For Mayor of Edmonton — Newsletter July 17, 2021

Dear Friends, Volunteers, and Supporters

So many thanks to so many who support this Quest. Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletters and for talking with others about Edmonton’s politics.

I would love if you would email us maybe four email address of folks you feel would appreciate receiving this mid-month newsletter.

The Free Street Show for Our Official Launch of the Quest to elect Breezy as Mayor of Edmonton on July 1st was a lot of fun!

Thank you, about 100 people who showed up on the hottest day yet. Special thanks to Patsy Amico and MJ Smallman who served up 64 smokies, hot dogs and veggie dogs. Special thanks to 8 year old Nevaeh Smalridge who gave a most awesome land acknowledgement and opened the Free Street Show.

You can hear that most awesome land acknowledgement at this link —
Breezy For Mayor of Edmonton Tour Dates —

To book Breezy to do a Free Street Show in front of your home or business please call or text Patsy 780-999-7233

I am proud and excited to be running to be your Mayor and proud and excited to be doing things differently.

How do you like getting pitched by a politician that is not asking you to donate money?
Do you like that I refuse to add to the waste and excessive burning by refusing to have plastic lawn signs and refusing to clog up your mail box with paper brochures?
Do you like that in our emergency situation I am breaking any unwritten rules that fail to help us to respond quickly and thoughtfully?
Do you like that we have a mean economy? This economy is built on cheep labour and low taxes.
Do you like that I am speaking up about Building a Caring Economy with love and respect for everyone and our planet?

Climate Emergency Response

Issue de jour aside we face a climate emergency.

Time keeps passing on and we continue to burn more than ever before. The current emergency response is neither quick nor thoughtful. Burning more than we have to is both unkind and disrespectful to others and the planet. Humans adapt. With focus we can have more fun while burning less.

Emergencies demand an emergency response that is both quick and thoughtful. The idea that we should work hard to elect the right kind of representatives who will sometime in the future pass laws that will make people act kindly and respectfully is a long time proposition. That long time leaves so much opportunity for opponents to use ingenuity to find loop holes and side step around the regulations. Let’s of course continue to try and elect better government. We need to work though on every angle.

  • personally cut back on burning
  • elect governments that will bring in regulations and new systems to limit burning
  • publicly fund content access services (public libraries) to displace the commercial services that persistently encourage us to buy more than we need

Surely we can cut back on burning by changing the message (buy more) that is constantly and persistently being pushed into our information streams that we access through commercial media. That opportunity to amplify the buy more/burn more message can only exist in a public funding vacuum.

Join this talk. Ask your questions and share your views Monday evening — July 19, 7:00 PM — Edmonton Climate Hub: Online Event Click to Register
Brian (Breezy) Gregg – Edmonton Climate Solutions
Breezy Presents his views on an Appropriate Emergency Response to the Climate Emergency

Is the power of money in politics anti-democratic? Breezy says yes.

When you’re going up against powerful candidates that are very entrenched in the practice of soliciting for funding to buy advertising, and you’re saying something they don’t want said (“that that practice is anti-democratic”), it can feel as though you’re being gaslit. Thank you very much I don’t think I am crazy.

Most Canadian political candidates accept that it is acceptable to solicit for and raise funding to be spent on forcing their election pitches on voters through an array of channels. As well we have to assume those volunteering to donate to political candidates campaigns consider their action right and justifiable.

This is not going to change in the near future so for now, when I explain in our Quest to elect Breezy For Mayor of Edmonton, it is our policy to not accept monetary donations, we recommend this —

  • If you want to help with money, think about donating to the Alberta NDP and the Federal NDP. They presently are betting on sticking to the war with money battle as the way to win their campaigns. Although not perfect, at this time the NDP is my recommendation for smarter, fairer and kinder government.
  • Alternately, maybe save your money so you can afford to go on strike, or so you can afford to take a break from employment that will give you time to volunteer and ponder.

We aim to arouse the voters so that they become engaged with the issues that concern us all.

We aim to encourage people to exercise their own self control to behave in kind and respectful ways.

When you see other candidates’ lawn signs, Think Breezy For Mayor.

When you get other candidates’ brochures in your mail, Think Breezy For Mayor.

When you are watching the weather report on TV and up behind the weather person it says “Breezy”, Think Breezy For Mayor.

When you see a City Bus imagine that the bus route sign above the front windows says, Breezy For Mayor.

When its too hot or there is too much smoke in the air … Think Breezy For Mayor.

Peace and Love
Brian (Breezy) Gregg
(780) 429-3624

Think Breezy For Mayor
Let’s get big money out of Amiskwacîwâskahikan politics
Elect Brian (Breezy) Gregg as Mayor of The City of Edmonton on October 18, 2021
Zero requests for money — Zero monetary donations accepted
JOIN TEAM BREEZY — Your help is appreciated.
Please contact us to volunteer.

Breezy’s Emergency Response

May 15, 2021

I have been reaching out to everyone I know and talking with about 30 people a day. A few interested strangers, several printers, billboard firms, media advertising departments and disturbingly some seemingly very weird people have been reaching out to me. So far the upsetting things are far outweighed by the great insights people are giving me. There really is something to learn from everyone.

A lot of people sense there is something wrong with the way big money is being used to influence the way people vote. I really don’t like calling this quest a campaign. We are not fighting. We are speaking up. Just because everyone else, it seems, treats elections like a war does not mean that that is right.

Vote Brian (Breezy) Gregg For Mayor October 18, 2021

Our top goal is to demonstrate we do not need big money to win. The way big money influences elections has always been disgusting but now it is out of hand. There is not time to wait for some future government to bring in more tighter restrictions to try and make things fair. We can use our own self control to limit the anti-democratic power of money in our elections.

It’s not nice to disappoint people by turning down an offer of a gift but at the same time it is delightful fun to explain there is a super good reason for refusing to accept monetary donations intended to support my candidacy. That’s what happened twice yesterday. Two millionaires I happen to know, saw it mentioned on Global News that I am running for Mayor and phoned to offer donations. Thank you Global News.

I am looking forward to when Global reports on the important difference between our Quest and the other Campaigns. In some war campaigns they take no prisoners . In our quest we take no monetary donations.

Although it is only one part of my diverse work experience, most of you know I have spent thousands and thousands of hours busking on the street. I have seen and talked to a lot of different Edmontonians. On the street I talk to every kind of person including pan handlers. Buskers are different from pan handlers in that we never ask for money other than we have our guitar case open. Pan Handlers ask. They give you a story and ask.

Now not to try and belittle other candidates running for office, but they are very much like panhandlers. They give you a story and ask you for a donation. Sort of hard to imagine that when they are elected that they would not be governing to please those who funded them. And not hard to imagine that the concerns of those who cannot afford to donate become less important.

I want to feel equally responsible to govern for each and everyone.

All I am asking is for you to vote for me and to please tell your friends to check out our platform and notice how it differs from the stories being sold by the other candidates.

So once again lets make a point of talking about this with our friends and encourage them to talk to their friends.

To that end we are taking a survey to track where the message is spreading. Many of you have already taken this survey but if you want, take it again a few times in the next months please.

Survey Re: Breezy For Mayor
Only 4 questions, to respond, please click — 
Survey Re: Breezy For Mayor

Let’s look at this as a big part of an emergency response to not only a pandemic but to an even more dire emergency the climate emergency.

Big money in politics stands in the way of making an appropriate emergency response. The response is simple and boils down to just two words — burn less. Big money through its advertising funded media keeps giving us a message that boils down to just two words — Buy More. Buy more means more burning. What could possible go wrong? We are constantly being pushed to buy more and therefore burn more.

Thank you again everyone. Next month lets talk about a voter incentive program again. What if every voter was handed $1,000 cash when they cast their ballot? In Australia they fine you if you don’t vote. Maybe $1,000 is too much. Some people say $5. A California study showed that a $50 incentive boosted turnout at the poles and a $100 incentive boosted it even more. Not only that the study showed that when people knew ahead of time that they were going to vote because there was a cash incentive, they took time to become engaged and familiarize themselves with the candidates they might choose to vote for. We can understand paying out CERB as a good social investment during a pandemic. It will be a good social investment to pay BUCKS FOR BALLOTS. Why shouldn’t we pay voters for doing the thing that is so fundamentally important for democracy.

Vote Brian (Breezy) Gregg For Mayor October 18, 2021

The Digital Public Library Proposal

I want to promote a new public service: a communication service I call The Digital Public Library,
a place online where we can go and access all content
• any book,
• any movie,
• any song,
• any newscast,
• any sports event,
• any text book,
• any academic paper,
free of charge we will be able to access it
free of advertising
and not only that this public service will pay,
whoever has produced our content,
for our use of it.
So … vote for me. It will be good for you.

It will be good for you. Vote for me.

Vote Brian (Breezy) Gregg for Mayor October 18, 2021

Breezy’s Platform 1.0

Platform 1.0

  • — Getting big money out of politics
  • — Affordable Housing
  • — Free Transit 
  • — Free WiFi
  • — Development of a Commercial Green House District to ring the City
  • — Strengthening Public Library Services
  • — Enhanced public services to help lift people out of poverty
  • — Freeze the Police Budget and invest in alternate strategies to reduce crime and deal with problems arising from addictions and mental health
  • — Closing the door on infrastructure P3s : Public Private Partnerships 
  • — Speaking up for being granted more revenue from provincial and federal transfers 
  • —Speaking up against the provincial government plebiscites being piggy backed on our civic election
  • —Love and Respect for everyone 

Punish the UCP. Vote Gregg for Mayor October 22, 2021

About The Digital Public Library Proposal

I want to share with you what I wrote to The Honourable Steven Guilbeault.

Dear Honourable Steven Guilbeault
Minister of Canadian Heritage

Thank you for your work for all of us. It is not easy to avoid getting ripped off these days. By failing to publicly fund access to media content we have allowed a massive private industry to evolve into a wild west system where predators and scammers thrive at others expense.

Despite the challenge we face now, I have hope. I have a dream for better way to access what we want from what is becoming an ever expanding library of digital media content.

In Canada … in the past we have created new public services that have proven to be fairer to everyone and more cost effective than the private services they replaced. The best example being our Canadian public healthcare system.

Presently I may be the only person speaking up to say we need a new public service that gives people universal access to digital media content of their own choosing and that automatically pays the producers and owners of the digital content for peoples use of media content.

It is my opinion that financing the production of media content with advertising or subscription fees weakens democracy. Not only that, there are good reasons to suspect that a publicly funded media access service would lower people’s cost of living by more than it would cost people to finance the service with general tax revenue.

The weakening of democracy comes from the fact that relying on advertising to finance media content access services creates a huge opportunity for wealthy people and their organizations to buy advertising which is buying the opportunity to influence people’s commercial and political choices. Should it not be clear that this is absolutely not democratic?

Attempting to solve this democratic deficit by regulating or prohibiting advertising has to be difficult if not impossible given that we have freedom of expression guarantees which I hope we would want to retain. That difficulty does not take away from the fact that it is wrong in a democracy that wealthy people and their organizations have the opportunity to push and amplify their preferred opinions and views.

My view which comes to you here absolutely un-amplified is that we can solve the democracy deficit simply by publicly financing a new service that gives people free access to their desired media content. I call this new public service The Digital Public Library.

— The Digital Public Library (DPL)

a place online where we can go and access all content

  • any book,
  • any movie,
  • any song,
  • any newscast,
  • any sports event,
  • any text book,
  • any academic paper,

free of charge we will be able to access it

free of advertising

and not only that this public service will pay

whoever has produced our content

for our use of it

Essentially the DPL does just two things

  • Provides access to desired media content
  • Provides remuneration for the owners and producers of media content people use

The status quo Commercial Media does three things

  • Provides access to desired media content
  • Provides remuneration for the owners and producers of media content people use
  • Provides the opportunity for wealthy people and their organizations to advertise

In 2017, the Canadian Institute for Health Information reported that healthcare spending was $242 billion, or 11.5 percent of Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) for that year.

I estimate funding The Digital Public Library would cost 1.9% of GDP or $ 40 billion a year. (perhaps $ 6 billion for Alberta)

I claim this service will save people twice as much by reducing their cost of living as it will cost them in extra taxes to finance the public service.

Digital Public Library? To be clear I am talking about a nonprofit, publicly funded but independent media-content-access service to provide everyone with the access to media-content that is now being provided by, to name some majors; YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and and many more. We need a service that lets us access all content (including text books and academic papers) without having to pay a fee and without requiring us to consent to being surveilled and exposed to predatory advertising pitches intended to manipulate and influence our political and commercial choices.

This service also needs to provide remuneration for the firms and individuals that produce media content and the remuneration should be democratic, based on people’s self-chosen use of media content. In the digital content realm, the remuneration can be automatic when transactions are triggered by real identifiable individuals’ use of media-content, and when the payments are made to real identifiable owners and producers of the media-content. Addressing the issue of privacy, it should be noted just as is done by Statistics Canada, general measurements can me made without tracking individuals’ identities.

I am not talking about a total socialization of media industries, just the access arm of the industry. I am fine with the production arm of the media industries remaining a mix of for profit and nonprofit organizations with part of their revenue streams coming from both public and private donations or grants, but mainly I see the production industries being sustained by use based royalties being paid by the public access service (The Digital Public Library).

The argument for making democracy stronger and fairer, by publicly funding a digital public library service, is probably most important for everyone to understand.

Why is it not recognized that within what we call “the media” there are two very different industries, the production industry and the access to content industry?

Why is assumed that the access to content industry can best serve the public if it is provided by private businesses that finance their access enterprise with advertising or subscriptions as opposed to having a publicly funded but independent media content access service?

I have several questions regarding the financing of media access services that seem to be being ignored or overlooked.

It is assumed the commercial system we are using is overall economically beneficial. There is no hard proof that it is. I have a hunch it is not at all of economic benefit to ordinary people.

  • We need an academic study with hard data showing that the commercial system is or is not raising people’s cost of living.
  • We need a study to show that a publicly funded system would or would not lower the cost of living by more than it would cost in taxes to fund a public system.
  • We need to show that it is true or not true that the constant exposure to advertising creates artificial demand. (It makes people want things they would not naturally be wanting).
  • We need to show that it is true on not true that the resulting artificial demand raises the cost of living for ordinary people and by how much.
  • We need a good explanation, that if it is not coming ultimately out of consumers’ pockets, then where are the billions of dollars coming from that are seen as profits by the major commercial digital platforms that have monopolized the media-content-access industry?

Cost is of course important but even if my hunch is wrong that relying on a commercial system makes life more costly, what should we be willing to pay to have a strong and fair democracy?

Not only as a more economically efficient communications system but also as a system that strengthens democracy I am proposing that we should create a new public service through legislation. I call this public service —

The Digital Public Library Proposal

Thank you
Breezy Brian Gregg

No Commercial Media Day – Oct. 9

Had enough yet? Try turning it off for 24 hours.

I have been calling this a strike not a boycott because I think that when we are giving our attention to commercial communication channels* we are working for them. I am asking people to live their lives for one day without using commercial communications channels. I am also encouraging people to try striking for a day some time before Oct. 9 so they will know what challenges they may face while striking. 

The purpose of the action is to promote the idea of creating an online not-for-profit communications channel. A communications channel that does not advertise to its audience or track people’s behaviour. This no push, no spy communications service I refer to as a Digital Public Library

*Commercial Media Channels are private firms like; Newspapers, Radio Stations, T.V. Networks, Google, Facebook, and YouTube.

On strike against commercial media channels

Since the morning of April 16, 2019 I have been on strike against commercial media channels. I encourage everyone to join me. Commercial Media Channels are private firms like; Newspapers, Radio Stations, T.V. Networks, Google, Facebook, and YouTube. It is my understanding that by giving my attention to them I am enabling them and empowering them. They are nothing without an audience. I am happy to report that this has freed up a lot of time which I am now using to work on what I think is important. I think it is important to bring into being a public media channel which I refer to as a Digital Public Library.

Check out why I think the Green New Deal needs to add media reform to its agenda for progressive change. A proposed new public service to partially socialize the media is explained in the post at this link: About The Digital Public Library Proposal